PayOnline.OK.gov is a one-stop hub for all government entities utilizing OK.gov's Online Bill Pay System. The OK.gov Online Bill Pay System enables state and local government to provide their constituents with access to make payments online for taxes, invoices, utility bills, court citations, ambulance services rendered, garage sale permits and many other payment types. The OK.gov Online Bill Pay accepts all major credit cards and Electronic Fund Transfers.
About Online Bill Pay
Allow visitors on your Web site to make payments online such as utility bills, court citations, and garage sale permits. OK.gov’s Online Bill Pay provides the following benefits:
No set up, maintenance or hosting fees.
Self Funded: $1 transaction fee (Users can either absorb this fee or pass it on to the end user.)
Create multiple types of payments to accept. Such as:
Utility Payments
Citation Payments
License/Permit Payments
Accept all major credit cards and EFT payments.
Secure and Encrypted Transactions
Funds transferred to merchant account within 24 to 72 hrs.
Utilize multiple merchant accounts to distribute funds to appropriate bank accounts. Ex:
Miscellaneous Payments → General Fund merchant account → General Fund bank account
Utility Payments → Utilities merchant account → Utilities bank account
Citation Payments → Courts merchant account → Courts bank account
Web service available for third party software to retrieve transaction data.
Generate reports and view transactions 24/7.
Link to service directly from your existing site, or utilize the Go Gov! Web Management Suite to build a new Web site. (available at additional cost)
The first status retrieval should occur no sooner than 5 seconds after the transaction has been initiated, and each subsequent status retrieval should occur at least 3 seconds apart. Transactions typically take 5-10 seconds to authorize, but in the event the system switches to backup communications, it could take up to 60 seconds. Once a transaction is complete, funds are transferred into the Go Gov! account holder’s merchant account within 24 to 72 hours.
Secure Payments
Go Gov!'s payment engine provides easy, secure, and seamless online payment integration for services such as the Go Gov! Bill Pay System. All communication is done through encrypted protocols, ensuring that the credit card information is secure. Both periodic and real time reporting can be generated and sent by e-mail listing the transaction information and period totals. Reporting tools are also provided to accommodate your needs.
Learn More About Secure Online Payments
Security Policies
The state of Oklahoma and OK.gov take your Internet security very seriously. Our technology and policies are designed to make your online transactions safe, private, and secure. Rigorous policies and procedures are utilized to safeguard your sensitive information, such as social security numbers, banking information, and personal data.
View the Security Measures Taken to Ensure the Safety of Oklahomans
See Other Go Gov! Web Management Suite Services
Contact OK.gov for More Information
Is there an Online Demo of the OK.gov Bill Pay System?
Yes, click on the button to the right. A newly updated demonstration will be available in the near future. If you would like to have an interactive demonstration, please contact us.
Merchant Account Information
To accept online payments, a merchant account is required. Any government entity may utilize an existing merchant account. If no merchant account exists, then state agencies may contact the State Treasurer’s Office to set up a new account, and municipalities may contact their local banking institution for merchant account information and setup.
For State Accounts: If a new merchant account is required, please complete the Treasurer Form so the Treasurer's Office has the necessary information to proceed. The State Treasurer’s Office should also be able to provide information on questions related to PCI compliance, merchant agreements, etc. Once the merchant account has been set up, the State Treasurer’s Office needs to send the VAR Sheet to OK.gov to complete the setup process. Once OK.gov receives the completed VAR sheet, it may take approximately two weeks to complete the setup process.
State Treasurer’s Office Contacts:
• Betty Pearson, Treasury Services Manager - (405) 521-6070
• Diedra O'Neil, Treasury Services Coordinator - (405) 522-4256
For Municipal Accounts: If a new merchant account is required, please speak with your local banking institutions to get the best rates possible. Once the merchant account has been set up ,OK.gov will provide your office with a VAR sheet that must be filled out for each payment type. Once OK.gov receives the completed VAR sheet, it may take approximately two weeks to complete the setup process.
Online Portal Fees
• Oklahoma Statute Title 62, Section 41.5: Authorizes state agencies to charge a convenience fee for online transactions and requires approval by the Government Technology Applications Review Board (GTARB).
• Bill Pay System: OK.gov has received approval from GTARB to assess a $1 portal fee to all agencies using the OK.gov Bill Pay System.
• Billing of Fees: All monies (agency and portal fees) collected online will be funneled to the government entities' merchant account. It is up to each government entity to determine whether the portal fee is absorbed by the government entity or passed along to the end user. The Oklahoma Office of State Finance will bill the government entity on a monthly basis to collect the portal fees. Additionally, the government entity is responsible for all merchant fees.
What/Who is OK.gov?
OK.gov is the central gateway to Oklahoma's government via the Internet. OK.gov built and manages the official Web site for the state of Oklahoma, and it partners with state and local entities to bring new government services online. The portal has been in operation since 2001 as a result of House Bill 1662 of the Oklahoma Legislature. It functions as a public/private partnership between the Office of State Finance and leading eGovernment firm NIC.