As mandated by HB1086, the Transparency, Accountability, and Innovation in Oklahoma State Government 2.0 Act of 2011, all payments disbursed by the Office of the State Treasurer must be made solely through Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). For more information go to http://www.oklegislature.gov/cf_pdf/2011-12 ENR/hb/hb1086 enr.pdf.
Beginning July 1, 2013, claims received with no EFT information on file will be denied and will not be processed until information is received.
Claims payments from HealthChoice, DRS, and DOC will only be available electronically starting July 1, 2013. At that time, EGID will begin enforcing its policies to only pay health and dental providers in accordance with HB 1086 EFT mandate. Mandatory enrollment in the EFT program applies to both Network and non-Network providers.
Enrolling in EFT does not affect the Remittance Advice (RA). By default, providers will still receive a paper RA by mail. Should Network Providers wish to stop receiving their paper RA, and download an electronic version through ClaimLink, click on ClaimLink at the top of this page or contact our Claims Administrator at the phone number below.
Network Providers should contact Employees Group Insurance Division (EGID) Network Management at 1-405-717-8790 or toll-free 1-800-543-6044, or email EGID.NetworkManagement@omes.ok.gov, or write to 3545 NW 58th St, Ste 110, Oklahoma City, OK 73112 to check the status of their EFT enrollment. Please allow up to 14 business days for processing prior to checking status.
Non-Network providers should contact our Claims Administrator at 1-405-416-1800 or toll-free 1-800-782-5218 to check the status of their enrollment.
Network Providers should use this form to sign up for EFT claim payments which are sent directly to their bank account. If they change tax identification numbers (TIN) or NPI Numbers, they must also complete and submit this form with their change request.