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Inserting a Table

Step 1: There are two ways to insert a table onto your page.

Option 1:  Select the "Insert Table" button and draw how many rows and columns you want your table to have. Insert a table

Please Note: The table will automatically appear in your content area with the following settings: 100% width and 1 pixel border. See Editing a Table to change the table settings.

Option 2:  Select "Insert" from the top drop-down menus, then select "Insert Table".  This will open a window allowing you to edit the table properties.


Step 2:  Complete the fields in the window

Rows: Number of rows in the new table

Columns: Number of columns in the table

Alignment: Table alignment

Border: Border thickness of table

Width: Width in pixels of table
Cell Padding:  Cell padding is the amount of space (measured by pixels) between the the content in the table and the table borders.

Cell Spacing:  Cell spacing is the amount of space (measured by pixels) between each table cell.

Color: Select background color of table  (Note: Background color does not affect text color.)

Background Image:
 Select background image of table

You may edit the table properties simply by right-clicking while your cursor is placed anywhere in the table.  Upon right-clicking, you will receive a menu displaying multiple options to edit your table: Table Properties, Row Properties, Column Properties and Cell Properties. Each of these will edit the respective area in which your cursor is placed.

Merging and Splitting Cells

Merging Cells: Select two or more cells that you would like to merge, and then right-click and select the option to "Merge Cell".  (Or, use the
Merge Cells button.)

Splitting Cells:
 Place your cursor within one cell and right-click and select the option to "Split Cell".  (Or, use the Split Cell button.)