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CMS Post Training Survey

Thank you for attending an OK.gov CMS training class. We would greatly appreciate your feedback to help us improve our training efforts and the level of support we provide.

* Indicates Required Field



On a scale of 1-5 (5 being the highest / most satisfied), please rank your training experience in the following areas:


 5-Excellent4-Good3-Adequate2-Poor1-Very Poor


 5-Excellent4-Good3-Adequate2-Poor1-Very Poor

(Format: mm/dd/yyyy)
Click Here to Pick up the date,opens in a new window

*What type of training did you attend?


Please select Submit to provide us with your feedback. We thank you for the opportunity to learn about your training experience and how we may improve this service offering. Please contact your agency's CMS point of contact (POC) if you have any questions about your account or experience any technical difficulties.

~CMS Web Management Team

Submission of this form requires Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher
(with Compatibility Mode off), Firefox, or Google Chrome.