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 User's Guide

CMS Enhancement Request Form

For better tracking purposes and to accommodate for the volume of users currently utilizing CMS, we have created an Enhancement Form for you to submit online. We encourage you to share any ideas that you might have for future updates that would universally benefit every user.

* Indicates Required Field

All submitted requests will be reviewed and evaluated based on: Need, Usabily, & Priority

Please fill out a SEPARATE FORM for each enhancement idea you would like to see implemented. Multiple updates submitted on one form WILL NOT be considered.

Provide as many details as you can in your answers below. - PLEASE BE SPECIFIC! - It would be helpful if you could provide any URLs to referenced areas.

*Does this update apply to an existing area of the account or a new feature?


*What area of the account does your suggestion involve?


*Would you like to be contacted once your request has been evaluated?


Thank you for submitting an enhancement request. Your feedback is very appreciated. Feel free to contact the CMS Support Team if you are experiencing any technical difficulties: Email: cms@www.ok.gov Phone: 405.524.3468 x9

Thank you!

Submission of this form requires Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher
(with Compatibility Mode off), Firefox, or Google Chrome.