Governor’s Large Conference Room
State Capitol
Governor Brad Henry Presiding
1. Announcement of filing of special meeting notice and posting of the agenda in accordance with the Open Meeting Act.
2. Call to Order. Roll call and announcement of quorum.
3. Minutes of Previous Meeting. Approval of minutes.
4. Report and Comments. The Chair may make comments on the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and the State of Oklahoma’s efforts to implement the Act. The Chair may call on other members of the ARRA Council to make reports or comments on the ARRA and the State of Oklahoma.
5. Discussion. The Council may discuss all matters pertaining to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, including but not limited to, managing, coordinating, monitoring and reporting on the State of Oklahoma’s and other’s implementation of the Act. This discussion may include overviews of the ARRA, deadlines, updates on various agency activities and communications with state, federal and local communities.
6. Discussion and possible Announcement of Next Special Meeting
7. Adjournment.