Oklahoma Commerce Celebrates Entrepreneurs
Feb. 26, 2008 -- Lieutenant Governor Jari Askins and Oklahoma's Secretary of Commerce and Tourism Natalie Shirley were on hand for festivities celebrating Entrepreneurship Day in Oklahoma on Tuesday, Feb. 26 at the Oklahoma State Capitol....
Governor Declares Communities Of Excellence Day
Feb. 25, 2008 -- Governor Brad Henry has declared March 13 as Communities of Excellence Day in Oklahoma. To help promote community development, particularly in rural areas of the state, the Oklahoma Department of Commerce and the Oklahoma Community Institute are sponsoring a...
2008 Workforce Oklahoma Award Winners Announced
Feb. 22, 2008 -- Workforce Oklahoma, the state's workforce system, recently held its 2008 Workforce Oklahoma Alumni Celebration, which honors the successes of everyday Oklahomans who have benefited from educational assistance, career counseling, assessment, and planning, and...
McAlester and Muskogee New Main Street Communities
Feb. 21, 2008 -- The Department of Commerce announced today that they will accept two new Main Street (http://www.okcommerce.gov/mainstreet) communities for 2008....
Governor’s Proposal to Boost EDGE Endowment Passes Key Senate Committee
A state Senate committee today approved a proposal by Gov. Brad Henry to strengthen cutting edge research and development in Oklahoma.
Senate Bill 1819 would create a permanent funding mechanism for the EDGE research endowment that generates money to help fund major...
State Data Center to Host Census Workshops
Feb. 19, 2008 -- The Oklahoma Census Data Center within the Oklahoma Department of Commerce and the U.S. Government Documents Division of the Department of Libraries will host a Census workshop Wednesday, March 26, 2008 at the Ronald J. Norick Downtown Library,...
Gov. Henry limits burn ban to two counties
Citing weekend precipitation and the advice of fire experts, Gov. Brad Henry today modified the state?s burn ban, lifting burn prohibitions for all but Cimarron and Texas counties in the Oklahoma Panhandle.
Governor's Economic Development Team Elects Officers
Elite Team of Economic Development Professionals Helps Oklahoma Businesses Create Jobs and Generate WealthFeb. 13, 2008 -- An elite team of economic development professionals from across the state, the Governor's Economic Development Team (GEDT), recently met to elect...
Oklahoma Commerce Announces New Rural Development Specialist
Feb. 11, 2008 -- Oklahoma Commerce has recently hired Christy Dixon as the new Southwestern Oklahoma Rural Development Specialist (http://www.okcommerce.gov/index.php?option=com_content task=view id=396 Itemid=463). Dixon's office will be located at Cameron University's...
FEMA denies Oklahoma ice storm appeal
Federal officials have formally denied Oklahoma?s appeal for individual assistance in the December ice storm, according to the governor?s office.
Gov. Brad Henry called the decision by the Federal Emergency Management Agency disappointing and frustrating.
2008 Earnings Limits for OPERS Retirees
OPERS retirees may return to work after they retire and continue to receive their retirement benefits. However, OPERS retirees may be subject to a federal earnings limitation. The federal limitation applies only to OPERS retirees who return to work for an OPERS participating...
Prescription Cards Working for Oklahomans
Feb. 5, 2008 -- Two prescription drug programs that are funded by the state are providing customers with average savings of more than 60 percent on their generic prescriptions. The RX for Oklahoma and OklahomaRx Discount Card programs are also saving consumers more than 10...
Governor's Council Releases 2007 Annual Report
Feb. 1, 2008 -- The Governor's Council for Workforce and Economic Development recently released their annual report for 2007 (http://staging.okcommerce.gov/test1/dmdocuments/Grow_Oklahoma_2007_Annual_Report_2901082375.pdf). The report highlights activities and...
Gov. Henry declares Feb. 5 Keith Leftwich Day
(Oklahoma City) Gov. Brad Henry is honoring the late state legislator who was instrumental in moving Oklahoma?s presidential primary election to an earlier date, a change giving the state greater clout in the process. The governor has declared Feb. 5 Keith Leftwich Day in the...
Gov. Henry modifies burn ban
Citing recent precipitation and the advice of fire experts, Gov. Brad Henry today modified the state?s burn ban, lifting burn prohibitions for all but 25 counties in the panhandle and southwestern Oklahoma.
Governor's Council Helps Oklahoma Find Regional Solutions for Economic Development
Jan. 31, 2008 -- The Governor's Council for Workforce and Economic Development, in conjunction with the Oklahoma Department of Commerce, recently hosted 'Working Hard and Working Smart' ' Industry Sector Strategies Institute, a three-day workshop focusing on regional...
Gov. Henry Promotes Graduation Coaches Project
With the intention of reducing dropout rates in Oklahoma, Gov. Brad Henry today proposed a program that will put ?graduation coaches,? mentors who would guide at risk students to graduation, into Oklahoma schools.
Gov. Henry declares statewide burn ban
Citing high winds, dry conditions and a series of recent wildfires, Gov. Brad Henry today declared a statewide burn ban for Oklahoma. The governor?s office announced the decision Tuesday afternoon after reviewing weather data and discussing fire conditions with forestry...