Celebrate Family Month by Building Strong Families
June is National Family Month
National Family Month is celebrated in June to promote the importance of building strong families. The Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) supports family activities that help build strong and healthy families and communities.
Oklahoma Men Called to Focus on Cardiovascular and Reproductive Health
Celebrate Men's Health Week, June 9-15
The Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) is celebrating National Men's Health Week, June 9-15. The theme, ''Stay Tough! Stay Healthy!'' helps call attention to the importance of men's health.
''We want to encourage men to make...
Oklahoma BPA Brings Home Two National Presidents, Top Awards
Oklahoma CareerTechs Business Professionals of America came on strong, bringing national recognition to the state at the recent Oklahoma 2008 BPA National Leadership Conference held in Reno, Nevada. Some 6,000 students and the professionals who educate and mentor them attended...
Senate Approves Bill to Protect Oklahomans from Predators
The state Senate on Friday approved a bill that would increase penalties for date rape as well as create new laws against the desecration of human bodies and aggravated child pornography possession. Sens. Jonathan Nichols, Jim Reynolds and James A. Williamson praised the...
Senate Mourns Passing of Jack Mildren
The full Senate has given unanimous approval to a resolution honoring the life of former Lieutenant Governor and University of Oklahoma football star Jack Mildren. Lt. Gov. Jari Askins, President of the Senate, presided over the chamber as the resolution was read and approved...
Senate Approves Resolution Recognizing 50th Anniversary Of The Sit-In Movement
The Oklahoma State Senate approved a resolution Friday recognizing Aug. 19, 2008 as the 50th anniversary of the sit-in movement that began in Oklahoma City at Katz Drug Store. The resolution also honors the life and legacy of local civil rights pioneer Mrs. Clara Luper and all...
Senate Passes Elder Abuse Bill
Both the Senate and House unanimously approved a measure Thursday making various types of abuse against elderly and incapacitated Oklahomans a felony. Principal Senate author Sen. Ron Justice said the measure, which strengthens the Elderly and Incapacitated Person Act, was...
State Leaders Announce Agreement on Bond Package
Gov. Brad Henry and legislative leaders have reached an agreement on a $475 million bond package.
The agreement includes money for roads, higher education endowed chairs, a low-water dam project on the Arkansas River in Tulsa, flood control dams in rural Oklahoma, and the...
Leftwich Wins Senate Approval for Scum of the Earth Bill
The state Senate on Thursday voted in favor of strengthening penalties for assaulting pregnant women. House Bill 1897, known as the ''Scum of the Earth Bill'', would allow felony charges to be filed against a person who assaults a woman and causes her to miscarry.
Senate Approves Ethiopian Human Rights Resolution
The Oklahoma State Senate approved a resolution Thursday memorializing Congress and the President to promote the formation of democratic institutions, multiparty elections and respect for human rights in Ethiopia, and to play a mediatory role in peaceful resolution.
Senate Approves DPS Canine Bill
The Oklahoma State Senate approved legislation Wednesday authorizing the Commissioner of Public Safety to house and train canines for drug and bomb units.
House Bill 2695 is authored by State Senator Earl Garrison, D-Muskogee and Rep. Paul Roan, D-Tishomingo. The bill now...
Senate Approves Grandparent Visitation Rights Legislation
The Oklahoma State Senate unanimously approved legislation Wednesday updating a state statute which protects visitation rights for grandparents.
House Bill 2469 is authored by State Senator Earl Garrison, D-Muskogee and Rep. Wade Rousselot, D-Okay. The bill now goes to Gov....
School Security Act Signed by Governor
Sen. Todd Lamb on Wednesday praised Gov. Brad Henry for taking action to make Oklahoma schools some of the safest in the nation by signing Senate Bill 1941, the Oklahoma School Security Act.
''The signing of this measure is good news for Oklahomans. It's incumbent upon us...
CDC Study Says Arthritis May be Barrier for Adults - Managing Diabetes through Exercise
May is Arthritis Month
A new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) study shows that 55.5 percent of Oklahoma adults with diagnosed diabetes also have arthritis, a painful condition that may be a barrier to physical activity, an important part of diabetes...
State Senate Pays Tribute to Sen. Williamson
The Oklahoma State Senate will soon say goodbye to Sen. James A. Williamson. The Republican Leader Emeritus is completing his final session in the Senate due to term limits. On Tuesday, Williamson's family and friends gathered in the Senate Chamber to watch his colleagues...