Senate Appropriations Committee Receives Briefings on Impact of Federal Stimulus Package
The federal stimulus package will soften the effects of the recession on Oklahoma's budget for fiscal years 2010 and 2011. That's according to Senate Appropriations Chairman Mike Johnson following a committee briefing for the full Appropriations Committee on Wednesday....
Senate Approves Measure Linking Drug Testing to Welfare Eligibility
State Sen. Randy Brogdon has received unanimous approval for a measure linking drug testing as a condition of eligibility for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) benefits. The measure was approved by the full Senate on Wednesday. Brogdon, R-Owasso, said the measure...
Oklahoma Proven selections have been announced
STILLWATER, Okla. Although Oklahomans are still facing some cold weather, the few warm days over the past few weeks have helped get gardening enthusiasts excited for a new growing season.
House Passes Lemon Law Bill to Better Protect Owners of Vehicles
Legislation that strengthens consumer protection guidelines for Oklahomans who buy defective cars and trucks has passed the Oklahoma House.
The House voted 97-2 Tuesday to send the measure to the state Senate for a vote.
Among other things, the bill would give consumers...
Bill to Create Task Force on Internet-Based Instruction Heads to House
The number of Oklahoma students getting their education through the internet is growing, and Sen. Gary Stanislawski wants to ensure the education those students are receiving is the same quality as what can be obtained in the classroom. Therefore, he has authored Senate Bill...
The Tale of a CareerTech Champion
From a farm in Perry, Okla., to the life of an actor in Los Angeles, Travis Brorsen and his sidekick, a brindle boxer named Presley, are creating quite a stir across the country. They are the first winners of a new reality television show, 'The Greatest American Dog.'
CareerTech Cares for Caregivers
New CareerTech teachers in high schools and technology centers across the state donated care package items to the 86th Combat Support Hospital nurses stationed in Baghdad. This community service project was initiated at the state's CareerTech New Teachers Academy.
The Tale of a CareerTech Champion: A Boy and his 'Greatest American Dog'
From a farm in Perry, Okla., to the life of an actor in Los Angeles, Travis Brorsen and his sidekick, a brindle boxer named Presley, are creating quite a stir across the country. They are the first winners of a new reality television show, 'The Greatest American Dog.'
Cisco and OK CareerTech Change Lives With Skills Training
Cisco Systems and the Oklahoma CareerTech System are celebrating 10 years of working together to prepare more than 6,000 individuals in the state to work in the information technology networking field. The partnership was celebrated Jan. 13 at the State Capitol, in which six...
CareerTech Student Organizations Gear Up for Conferences
It is that time of year when some 35,400 Oklahoma students involved in CareerTech student organizations head to spring conferences. Annually, each organization hosts a state spring leadership and skills conference for students to compete in events, elect state officers and...
OK-FIRE offers multi-use Web site for wildland fire managers
STILLWATER, Okla. The Oklahoma State University Web site OK-FIRE has caught on and is spreading rapidly throughout Oklahoma, providing much-needed information on a variety of fire-related topics.
Be prepared for a business disaster
Stillwater, Okla. It is just about a guarantee that every business owner will at some time experience a disaster. It may be small such as a water pipe break or total business devastation. A disaster recovery plan may be the key to survival if hard times hit your business.