Weatherford to host OMRA training workshop
STILLWATER, Okla. Those who are seeking alternative ways to solve problems should attend the Oklahoma Moderators and Recorders Academy training workshop Sept. 29-30 in Weatherford.
Kites Over Enid Raises Awareness about Wind, While Attempting World Record
Thousands of kites were in the skies over End this week as part of an attempt to break a world record and raise awareness about the power of wind.The event, W.O.W. Kites Over Enid, attempted to break the Guinness World Record for the most kites in ...
How to Find Quality Child Care
STILLWATER, Okla. - Many parents every day are challenged with seeking and selecting quality child care and want what is best for their child.
Oklahoma Senate on Twitter
Members of the media and the public alike can now get updates from
the Oklahoma State Senate on Twitter. The tweets will be sent by
the Senate Communications Department, a nonpartisan staff division
that serves all 48 members of the Oklahoma State...
Main Street Oklahoma Plans New Town Workshop
September 8, 2009 -- The Oklahoma Main Street Center, a division of the Oklahoma Department of Commerce, will be hosting its annual New Town Application Workshop on Tuesday, September 22 from 1-5 pm in the Chesapeake Room of the Oklahoma History Center, 2104 N. Laird....
Child Passenger Safety Week, September 12-18, 2009
In 2007, more than 6,000 children 14
years of age and younger were killed in motor vehicle crashes in the
United States, and motor vehicle crashes continue to be one of the
leading causes of death among children in Oklahoma. According to the
National Highway Traffic...
Oklahoma History Center Presents ''Scout Day''
The Oklahoma History Center presents "Scout Day" Friday October 16,
2009. This special program will run from 10:00 AM through 2:00 PM.
The Oklahoma History Center hosts Scout Days to honor all youth
organizations and their members such as Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Camp...
Oklahoma History Center Presents ''Home School Day''
The Oklahoma History Center presents "Home School Day" Monday
October 5, 2009. This special program will run from 10:00 AM through
2:00 PM.
Join us at the Oklahoma History Center for a hands-on adventure into
Oklahoma?s past. Explore the museum with the help of...
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Conference
A free conference for grandparents and other
relatives who are raising their grandchildren will be held October 20
and 21 in Oklahoma City. The conference will provide resources for
these families to help them cope with family and personal stresses.
Statewide Degree Completion Program Receives National Award
The Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education's 'ReachHigher, Oklahoma's Degree Completion Program' recently won the Association for Continuing Higher Education's (ACHE) 2009 Distinguished Program Award for credit programs.
Oklahomans Can Purchase Hunting & Fishing Licenses In-Store or Online
Whichever way you prefer to shop ?
in-store or online, the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation
(ODWC) has you covered when buying your hunting and fishing license
this year. Oklahoma and out-of-state residents can purchase their
sportsmen licenses in-store or...
Former CASA Director Pleads Guilty, Sentenced to 15 Years Incarceration
The former executive director of an Oklahoma
association formed to help abused and neglected children will serve 15
years incarceration for stealing about $500,000 from her organization,
Attorney General Drew Edmondson said today.
State Regents' Vice Chancellor to Retire
After serving 15 years with the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, Sid Hudson, vice chancellor for legislative relations, technology, research, workforce and economic development, will retire Oct. 1.
AG Files Suit Against Vehicle Warranty Telemarketer
Attorney General Drew Edmondson is asking an
Oklahoma County court to stop a Florida telemarketer from offering
potentially bogus products to consumers and from violating Oklahoma
telemarketing laws.