Commissioner Doak: Obama Rearranges Chairs on the Titanic of Healthcare
OKLAHOMA CITY – Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner John D. Doak released the following statement about the Obama Administration’s announcement yesterday regarding policy extensions and the responsibilities of state insurance regulators.
Oklahoma Gross Receipts Continue Positive Trend
OKLAHOMA CITY – Oklahoma’s monthly gross receipts to the treasury report shows total state collections continued to rise in February, the fourth anniversary of the low point reached following the Great Recession, State Treasurer Ken Miller said today....
Parents want children to go to collge, but most arent saving for it
OKLAHOMA CITY – A large majority of Oklahoma parents and grandparents – 86 percent – believe it is “very important” that their child or grandchild attends college according to a recent opinion poll conducted by ShapardResearch. The...
Monday Memo 2014-03-03
The enemy is out there!; Noble Foundation a unique Oklahoma treasure; Tuttle nominated for the Oklahoma Hall of Fame; cooperative alliance efforts continue; Jordan Danser - Canadian Valley Technology Center; NTHS members convene at state Capitol; Ohio comes to Oklahoma; Indian...
Last Call for Tree Orders
Oklahoma Forestry Services is coming to a location near you
Oklahoma Forestry Services is wrapping up its annual conservation seedling sales by hosting truck sales in more than 20 communities across the state during March. By visiting the truck...
The Time to Fix the Capitol is Now
By Governor Mary Fallin
The Oklahoma Capitol was built in 1917. Since then it has been the People’s House - a place where state business is conducted and laws are written and passed. It is also a living museum where school children and other visitors come to...
Tulsa World Readers Forum; Oklahoma Attorney General challenges federal overreach
Bob Stallman: Oklahoma Attorney General challenges federal overreach
By BOB STALLMAN | Posted: Friday, February 28, 2014 12:00 am
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has claimed the right to control local land use and community development decisions under...
2014 Legislative Summary
Oklahoma Public Employees Retirement System
Defined Contribution Plans
House Bill 2630 (Rep. Randy McDaniel) and Senate Bill 2120 (Sen. Rick Brinkley) would create a mandatory defined contribution plan for all employees who first become employed by any participating...
Gov. Fallin Comments on Consolidation Bill Advancing
OKLAHOMA CITY – Governor Mary Fallin today commented on the House of Representatives Government Modernization Committee passing House Bill 3028, which calls for the consolidation of the Oklahoma Department of Tourism and Recreation, the Oklahoma Arts Council and the...
Gov. Fallin Issues Statement on State Panels Support for Capitol Bond Issue
OKLAHOMA CITY – Governor Mary Fallin today issued this statement after members of the Long-Range Capital Planning Commission authorized sending to lawmakers a letter supporting a bond issue of up to $160 million to repair the state Capitol:
Gov. Fallin Comments on Tax Cut Measure
OKLAHOMA CITY – Governor Mary Fallin issued the following statement today on the Oklahoma Senate’s passage of Senate Bill 1246, which would lower the state’s income tax rate to below 5 percent if the state’s economy continues to improve:
Master Woodworking Artist of the Year - Exhibit Opens
The Forest Heritage Center Museum, located in the heart of Beavers Bend State Park, Broken Bow, Oklahoma, was thrilled to officially be designated as the 'Wood Art Capital of Oklahoma' in 2010. This new claim of fame authorized the museum to bestow the title of...