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Gov. Fallin Places Governor-Lieutenant Governor Joint Election Measure on November Ballot
OKLAHOMA CITY ' Governor Mary Fallin today issued an election proclamation that places on the November ballot a state question approved by legislators that would allow the governor and lieutenant governor in Oklahoma to seek the offices as a team. State...
Gov. Fallin Places Governor-Lieutenant Governor Joint Election Measure on November Ballot
OKLAHOMA CITY ' Governor Mary Fallin today issued an election proclamation that places on the November ballot a state question approved by legislators that would allow the governor and lieutenant governor in Oklahoma to seek the offices as a team. State...
Gov. Fallin Places Governor-Lieutenant Governor Joint Election Measure on November Ballot
OKLAHOMA CITY ' Governor Mary Fallin today issued an election proclamation that places on the November ballot a state question approved by legislators that would allow the governor and lieutenant governor in Oklahoma to seek the offices as a team. State...
Gov. Fallin Places Governor-Lieutenant Governor Joint Election Measure on November Ballot
OKLAHOMA CITY ' Governor Mary Fallin today issued an election proclamation that places on the November ballot a state question approved by legislators that would allow the governor and lieutenant governor in Oklahoma to seek the offices as a team. State...
Gov. Fallin Places Governor-Lieutenant Governor Joint Election Measure on November Ballot
OKLAHOMA CITY ' Governor Mary Fallin today issued an election proclamation that places on the November ballot a state question approved by legislators that would allow the governor and lieutenant governor in Oklahoma to seek the offices as a team. State...
Gov. Fallin Places Governor-Lieutenant Governor Joint Election Measure on November Ballot
OKLAHOMA CITY ' Governor Mary Fallin today issued an election proclamation that places on the November ballot a state question approved by legislators that would allow the governor and lieutenant governor in Oklahoma to seek the offices as a team. State...
Gov. Fallin Places Governor-Lieutenant Governor Joint Election Measure on November Ballot
OKLAHOMA CITY ' Governor Mary Fallin today issued an election proclamation that places on the November ballot a state question approved by legislators that would allow the governor and lieutenant governor in Oklahoma to seek the offices as a team. State...
Gov. Fallin Places Governor-Lieutenant Governor Joint Election Measure on November Ballot
OKLAHOMA CITY ' Governor Mary Fallin today issued an election proclamation that places on the November ballot a state question approved by legislators that would allow the governor and lieutenant governor in Oklahoma to seek the offices as a team. State...
Gov. Fallin Places Governor-Lieutenant Governor Joint Election Measure on November Ballot
OKLAHOMA CITY ' Governor Mary Fallin today issued an election proclamation that places on the November ballot a state question approved by legislators that would allow the governor and lieutenant governor in Oklahoma to seek the offices as a team. State...
Gov. Fallin Places Governor-Lieutenant Governor Joint Election Measure on November Ballot
OKLAHOMA CITY ' Governor Mary Fallin today issued an election proclamation that places on the November ballot a state question approved by legislators that would allow the governor and lieutenant governor in Oklahoma to seek the offices as a team. State...
Gov. Fallin Places Governor-Lieutenant Governor Joint Election Measure on November Ballot
OKLAHOMA CITY ' Governor Mary Fallin today issued an election proclamation that places on the November ballot a state question approved by legislators that would allow the governor and lieutenant governor in Oklahoma to seek the offices as a team. State...
Gov. Fallin Places Governor-Lieutenant Governor Joint Election Measure on November Ballot
OKLAHOMA CITY ' Governor Mary Fallin today issued an election proclamation that places on the November ballot a state question approved by legislators that would allow the governor and lieutenant governor in Oklahoma to seek the offices as a team. State...
Gov. Fallin Places Governor-Lieutenant Governor Joint Election Measure on November Ballot
OKLAHOMA CITY ' Governor Mary Fallin today issued an election proclamation that places on the November ballot a state question approved by legislators that would allow the governor and lieutenant governor in Oklahoma to seek the offices as a team. State...
Gov. Fallin Places Governor-Lieutenant Governor Joint Election Measure on November Ballot
OKLAHOMA CITY ' Governor Mary Fallin today issued an election proclamation that places on the November ballot a state question approved by legislators that would allow the governor and lieutenant governor in Oklahoma to seek the offices as a team. State...
Gov. Fallin Places Governor-Lieutenant Governor Joint Election Measure on November Ballot
OKLAHOMA CITY ' Governor Mary Fallin today issued an election proclamation that places on the November ballot a state question approved by legislators that would allow the governor and lieutenant governor in Oklahoma to seek the offices as a team. State...
Gov. Fallin Places Governor-Lieutenant Governor Joint Election Measure on November Ballot
OKLAHOMA CITY ' Governor Mary Fallin today issued an election proclamation that places on the November ballot a state question approved by legislators that would allow the governor and lieutenant governor in Oklahoma to seek the offices as a team. State...
Gov. Fallin Places Governor-Lieutenant Governor Joint Election Measure on November Ballot
OKLAHOMA CITY ' Governor Mary Fallin today issued an election proclamation that places on the November ballot a state question approved by legislators that would allow the governor and lieutenant governor in Oklahoma to seek the offices as a team. State...
Gov. Fallin Places Governor-Lieutenant Governor Joint Election Measure on November Ballot
OKLAHOMA CITY ' Governor Mary Fallin today issued an election proclamation that places on the November ballot a state question approved by legislators that would allow the governor and lieutenant governor in Oklahoma to seek the offices as a team. State...
Gov. Fallin Places Governor-Lieutenant Governor Joint Election Measure on November Ballot
OKLAHOMA CITY ' Governor Mary Fallin today issued an election proclamation that places on the November ballot a state question approved by legislators that would allow the governor and lieutenant governor in Oklahoma to seek the offices as a team. State...
Gov. Fallin Places Governor-Lieutenant Governor Joint Election Measure on November Ballot
OKLAHOMA CITY ' Governor Mary Fallin today issued an election proclamation that places on the November ballot a state question approved by legislators that would allow the governor and lieutenant governor in Oklahoma to seek the offices as a team. State...
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