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Participants in the first ever ''Komen Advocacy Day'' at the State Capitol are calling the event a tremendous success. State Sen. Judy Eason McIntyre, D-Tulsa, and Rep. Lucky Lamons, D-Tulsa, co-authored legislation to bring awareness to the event and to the organization dedicated to helping more women have greater access to breast cancer education, screening and treatment programs.
In 2006, Eason McIntyre was diagnosed with breast cancer. She opted to fight her cancer aggressively, undergoing a double mastectomy. Among her visitors at the hospital were representatives from the Susan B. Komen for the Cure organization.
''Once I got passed the surgery, I knew that I was destined to do whatever I could to raise breast cancer awareness,'' Eason McIntyre said. ''Susan B. Komen has helped me with that mission.''
Lamons also has a personal reason for becoming involved as a board member for the Tulsa Affiliate of Susan B. Komen. His wife was diagnosed with breast cancer two years ago, and like Eason McIntyre, is now cancer-free. He called the first Komen Advocacy Day a success.
''They need to start having a dialogue with the Representatives and the Senators just in case they have something that they need to seek some legislation on,'' Lamons said. ''I think we've started something here that I hope lasts for a long time.''
Lorna Palmer is the Executive Director of the Central Oklahoma Affiliate for Susan B. Komen. She said one thing many lawmakers wanted to know is why there wasn't an affiliate in their community.
''One of the things we're hoping to accomplish is to get some of the representation on our side to help us come to their areas so we can help fund services in their towns,'' Palmer said. ''We know the need is greater than just the two major cities.''
Lawmakers received information packets from Komen volunteers, including Alberta Jones of Tulsa. Jones is an 11 year cancer survivor.
''Anything that I can do to help spread the word about breast cancer, I'm willing to do that and to give information and to make sure that other people are aware of the importance of knowing of treatment and cure?that's important to me,'' Jones said.
Christy Southard is the executive director for the Tulsa Susan B. Komen affiliate, and said the organization is helping save lives.
''Last year we found 42 cases of breast cancer in Tulsa County through our programs that we fund,'' Southard said. ''That's 42 women who have a much better chance of surviving the disease.''
Eason McIntyre said she believes there is an increasing awareness about breast cancer, but added there was still much more work to be done.
''That's why this event is so important. With term limits, we're going to have a revolving door of legislators who will be making decisions about funding and other kinds of things that relate to this, and so it's imperative that they stay here at the Capitol, stay in contact, build relationships with the legislators, and hopefully, get some of them as excited about helping out in this as I am,'' Eason McIntyre said.