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WHAT: News Conference update on progress nationally and in Oklahoma with respect to smokefree laws. The speaker will discuss how Oklahoma lags behind other states in protecting non-smokers from secondhand smoke.
WHO: Cynthia Hallett, MPH, Executive Director
American Nonsmokers' Rights Foundation
Representatives of Oklahoma Alliance on Health or Tobacco
Wes Glinsmann, Chair, American Heart Association
Pat Marshall, American Cancer Society
Representative of Oklahoma State Department of Health
Bob Miner, Clean Indoor Air Coordinator
WHEN: Thursday, June 26, 2008 10:00 a.m.
WHERE: State Capitol, Room 432B, the Broadcast Press Room
BACKGROUND: Oklahoma strengthened its smoking laws five years ago but left several exemptions that allow smoking throughout some workplaces, public places and in parts of others. These exemptions allow exposure of nonsmokers to secondhand smoke, causing illnesses and premature deaths. They also decrease incentives for smokers to quit and encourage children to smoke. In the meantime, many other states have taken much stronger action to address this public health problem. Where does Oklahoma stand now? What can be done? For background information on Oklahoma smoking laws see web site: