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The State Interagency Child Abuse Prevention Task Force and the Office of Child Abuse Prevention (OCAP) at the Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) are accepting nominations for awards to recognize persons and organizations for their demonstrated outstanding commitment and dedication to child abuse prevention in Oklahoma.
Awards will be presented at the Annual Child Abuse and Neglect Conference during opening session on Thursday, Sept. 25, at the Meridian Hotel and Convention Center in Oklahoma City.
The three awards to be presented are:
1. The 2008 Marion Jacewitz Award, which is given to recognize an individual in Oklahoma who has made significant contributions to the prevention of child abuse on a statewide level.
2. The 2008 Outstanding Child Abuse Prevention Program Award, which is given to recognize an exceptional community program that has an emphasis in child abuse prevention.
3. The 2008 Mary Ellen Wilson Award, which is given to recognize an individual who has demonstrated outstanding commitment and dedication to child abuse prevention activities in his or her community.
Nomination forms may be downloaded directly from the OSDH Web site at: or requested by contacting the OSDH Family Support and Prevention Services at (405) 271-7611. Once completed, nomination forms can be e-mailed to, or you can print the form, complete and mail it to: Sherie Trice, Family Support and Prevention Service, OSDH Family Health Services, 1000 NE 10th Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73117-1299. Nominations are due by August 1.
For more information or if you have questions concerning the awards, call OCAP at (405) 271-7611.