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The Oklahoma State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), Oklahoma Historical Society is pleased to announce that Governor Brad Henry recently made two appointments to the Historic Preservation Review Committee (HPRC). They are Dr. William P. Corbett of Tahlequah and Mr. Ronald H. Frantz, Jr. of Oklahoma City.
Dr. Corbett is Professor of History at Northeastern State University in Tahlequah, a position he has held since 1988. His areas of special interest include state and local history and the history of the American Indian. He holds a Ph.D. in history from Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, and his Master of Arts degree was received at the University of South Dakota, Vermillion, SD, and his undergraduate degree at Clarion State College, Clarion, PA. Dr. Corbett is an Oklahoma Humanities Scholar participating in Let's Talk About It, Oklahoma, adult reading and discussion programs sponsored by the Oklahoma Humanities Council since1983. Additionally, his scholarly work has been recognized through numerous awards, including the Muriel H. Wright Award for Excellence in the Preservation and Publication of Oklahoma History. His publication credits include books, journal articles, and encyclopedia entries.
Mr. Frantz is a licensed Professional Architect with extensive experience in historic preservation and restoration projects. He has a strong background in downtown revitalization programs, and he is currently the architect for the Oklahoma Main Street Center, Oklahoma Department of Commerce. His expertise and accomplishments are evidenced by his service as a faculty member for the National Main Street Center, Washington, D. C. Additionally, he has provided informative and highly entertaining presentations on a wide range of preservation topics at more than eighty conferences nationwide. Mr. Frantz received a Bachelor of Architecture and a Master of Architecture at The Tulane University of Louisiana, New Orleans, Louisiana. He has numerous publications to his credit and is active in several professional and community organizations, including the American Institute of Architects; Central Oklahoma Chapter Neighborhood Alliance of Oklahoma City; the National Trust for Historic Preservation; Boy Scouts of America; and The Cathedral of Our Lady of Perpetual Help/Bishop John Carroll School.
The HPRC is appointed by the Governor to provide advice to the SHPO about nominations to the National Register of Historic Places and other preservation issues. Members, in addition to Dr. Corbett and Mr. Frantz, include Arn Henderson of Norman, architectural historian and HPRC Chairman; John D. Hartley of Norman, prehistoric archeologist and HPRC Vice Chairman; and Towana Spivey of Duncan, historic archeologist.
The National Park Service regulations governing the SHPO's programs require that a qualified state review board participate in the National Register and other SHPO programs, and the HPRC serves in this capacity. During each meeting, the HPRC hears presentations on nominations to the National Register of Historic Places from SHPO staff and consultants; receives comments from owners of properties proposed for nomination; listens to public comments and concerns; and formulates recommendations to the SHPO about whether or not a property should be nominated to the National Register.
The HPRC's 2009 meetings will begin at 10:00am on January 15, April 9, July 16, and October 15 at the Oklahoma History Center, 2401 North Laird Avenue, Oklahoma City. The meetings are open to the public, and meeting agendas are provided on the SHPO's website at under "Events."
For further information about the HPRC, the National Register, or other SHPO programs, call 405/521-6249 or visit us