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A conversation about insurance reform and affordable healthcare in Oklahoma will continue with the approval of a patient's bill of rights amendment authored by State Senator Jim Wilson. The amendment, which will require insurance companies to pay for health care procedures deemed medically necessary by a physician was attached to HB 2531 and now moves to the House of Representatives for an up-or-down vote.
''The debate about healthcare just reached a new level today with the passage of this amendment,'' Wilson, (D-Tahlequah) said. ''Oklahomans fundamentally understand that the current health care system is broken, leaving far too many Oklahomans without healthcare and imprisoned by the irresponsible and negligent decisions of insurance company executives trying to grow their bottom line on the backs of the sickest and most vulnerable among us. We've given those Oklahomans a voice today and we intend to keep this momentum alive.''
Wilson explained while passage of the amendment today ensured an-up-or-down in the Republican controlled House of Representatives, it could be sent to a conference committee where he fears it could meet its ultimate death.
''Conference committee's are often times where good bills go to die, and if the past actions of the Republicans in regard to healthcare are any indication to the fate of this bill, it will likely be sent to a conference committee to die,'' Wilson said. ''We want this conversation about fixing the broken insurance industry and giving Oklahomans better healthcare coverage to continue. So I want to personally ask the Republicans for once to put policy over politics, forget about their rich friends in the insurance industry who they seem to be protecting, and keep this momentum alive.''