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Oklahoma Forestry
Services is holding its annual seedling sales in communities across the state
during the month of March. Forestry personnel will be in northeast Oklahoma on
March 23 - 25, where they will be assisting customers and selling a variety of
seedlings from a refrigerated truck.??
Sales will take place at the following:
???Come by the seedling
sale and take advantage of the opportunity to visit with a professional
forester about your trees,??? said George Geissler, Oklahoma State Forester.???? ???And if you decide to buy seedlings, you'll
be getting trees that thrive in Oklahoma.???
The seedlings are grown
at the Oklahoma Forestry Services' State Nursery, located south of Norman, from
local seed sources that are selected specifically because they perform well in
Oklahoma's diverse environment. Seedlings are bare-root, one or two years old,
10 to 30 inches in height and are sold in bundles of 50.??
Species that will be
available, while supplies last, include: Oriental arborvitae, Arizona cypress,
baldcypress, roughleaf dogwood, eastern redbud, lacebark elm, Rocky Mountain
juniper, common lilac, Shumard oak, northern red oak, white oak, native pecan,
ponderosa pine, Scotch pine, Virginia pine, American plum, fragrant sumac,
sycamore and black walnut.
For more information or
to view the schedule of community truck sales, visit the Oklahoma Forestry
Services website at or call the State Nursery 800-517-3673 or
405-288-2385. A catalogue with more seedling information, including pricing, is
available on the online store at