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The age-old battle is whether to choose a fresh-cut, live Christmas tree or to look for a great buy on a beautiful plastic tree that will last for many Christmas futures. Here are 10 reasons why Oklahoma Forestry Services would like to encourage you to go green this year and purchase locally grown trees from one of the many growers in our state:
1. The Fresh Scent
You just can't compare the real fragrance of a real tree. No candle, no plug-in, no chemical is going to replace real.
2. Family Tradition
Bundling up and packing into the family car to head out to the Christmas tree farm or the local tree lot. These are great memories to keep.
3. Support your city, county, and country.
Buying local supports local.
4. Support a Farmer
Trees are grown on farms as a crop. You may not like to see trees cut down, but that tree was planted for the sole purpose of becoming someone's family Christmas tree. It's just like a crop of corn; planted to be harvested.
5. Your tree supported wildlife and an eco-system for around 7 years before it was harvested.
Your freshly cut Christmas tree created a better world. It filtered pollution by absorbing carbon and provided a refuge for all sorts of birds and other animals, giving them home, protection, and food.
6. Another tree or two or three will be planted in its place.
Christmas trees are farmed and once that tree is harvested, the earth will be plowed and sown with new baby trees. Those seedlings will grow and do good things for us and our environment for their typical 7 year life.
7. You'll save gas and oil.
The fuel it takes to ship those fake trees across the globe alone, plus the oil it takes to make the plastic a fake tree.
8. Trees compost perfectly.
After Christmas, tree branches can be cut away and used to protect tender plants through the winter. Trees can be chipped and added to your compost pile increasing air circulation so your compost breaks down faster. Many cities collect trees to be composted commercially.
9. You don't have to store a real tree.
Basements, attics, and closets will be available for storing other family heirlooms. No more awkward box that the fake tree never fits back into will have to be struggled into your precious storage space.
10. Every year brings anticipation.
It's romantic and old-fashioned to shop for a real Christmas tree. There is nothing special about dragging out a fake tree, going insane while you try to get the lights all to work, and photographing the exact same boring old tree. Social media means everyone has already seen your tired old plastic ???noble fir,??? but everyone loves to see you and your kids all dressed in cute winter gear outside in the tree lots with big smiles.
Oklahoma Forestry Services hopes you will agree that a few fallen pine needles and waterings are worth it. Real trees are good reducers, reusers, and recyclers. Look for local, meet your farmer and thank them for keeping Christmas real. For more information and list of Oklahoma Christmas Tree Growers visit