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Adding Content to the Right Menu

On each page or directory, you may add a right menu with content in the following categories:

  • Related Links
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Interesting Facts
  • Special Announcements

You do not have to enter content into any or all of the categories. You may pick and choose which categories (if any) are useful for your agency.

Step 1:
Select the "Edit" button
Pencil_edit.gif next to the page or directory you wish to add right content to.

Step 2:
Select the "Right Content" tab at the top.

Step 3:
Simply type the text into the fields of the chosen category.

The Content Management System will automatically put images in the right content to depict each subject. The image below shows an example of a page with "Special Announcements" and "Related Topics".

 right content

Step 4:
Make sure you "Save" your changes.

Customizing Text in the Right Content Area with HTML

You may determine that you would like to bold, underline, or italicize some of the text in your right content area. You may even want to add a line of empty space in between topics. Below are html commands that you may insert into the text area when editing the "Right Content".

  • Bold
    The text I want bold is here in between these characters.
  • Underline
    The text I want underlined is here in between these characters.
  • Italic
    The text I want italicized is here in between these characters.


Line Breaks
Pushing the "Enter / Return" key will cause a line break to appear as follows:

     Full Return Line Break   Full Return Line Break

     Full Return Line Break   Full Return Line Break


However, pushing the "Enter / Return" key and the "Shift" key at the same time will cause a 1/2 return to appear as follows:

      Half Return Line Break  Half Return Line Break
     Half Return Line Break  Half Return Line Break