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Solicitation Detail

Central Purchasing Division
Contract Type
Mandatory Statewide

Solicitation Number:
SW Number:
Closing Date Status:

Heavy & Industrial Equipment
Darlene Saltzman
Closing Date:
Award Date:

Contract Period Starting Date:
Contract Period Ending Date:
Agreement Period Starting Date:
Agreement Period Ending Date:

  Attachment Title Attachment Type File Type Comments
Clark PS 0-7290.PDF (part 1) - signed Contract pdf Clark Equip PS Contract
OK-MA-192-23 - Clark Attachment I - Cost Proposal V7 -Amended 2.17.2023 Contract xlsx Clark Pricing
OK-MA-192-23 - Clark Attachment I.2 - Alternate Cost Proposal (Preferred) Contract xlsx Clark Pricing
BobCatOKC PS 0-7293.PDF (part 1) - signed Contract pdf Bobcat of OKC PS Contract
CentralPower OKC PS 0-7295.PDF (part 1) - signed Contract pdf Central Power-OKC PS Contract
CentralPower Yukon PS 0-7296-signed.PDF Contract pdf Central Power Yukon PS Contract
Hugg&Hall PS 0-7291.PDF (part 1) - signed Contract pdf Hugg & Hall PS Contract
RockyRidge PS 0-7292.PDF (part 1) - signed Contract pdf Rocky Ridge PS Contract
VentureDrilling PS 0-7294-signed.PDF Contract pdf Venture Drilling PS Contract
SW0192 C Contract Summary Other pdf Vendor Information - Clark Equipment - Bobcat
PSC #7893 White Star Contract pdf PSC #7893 White Star Tulsa Authorized dealer for Bobcat

19, 0192, SW192, SW0192C, SW192C, 0192C, 0192c, SW0192, SW0192B, SW0192CE, SW0192CP, SW0192H, SW0192RR, #7893, Heavy Equipment, Industrial Equipment, Clark, Bobcat, Hugg, Hugg & Hall, Hall, Rocky Ridge, Rocky, Central, Central Power, OKC, Yukon, Bobcat of OKC, Venture, Venture Drilling, skid, skid steers, steers, tele handlers, telehandlers, excavators, track, track excavators, tracked loaders, loaders, wheeled loaders, wheeled, air compressors, doosan, doosan portable power, power, portable, doosan power, generator, generators, forklifts, forklift, fork, lift, light, light tower, light towers, towers, lights, 7290, 7293, 7295, 7296, 7291, 7292, 7294 Buyer: Darlene Saltzman 405-521-6667 Email:

22100000 Heavy construction machinery and equipment
22101700 Heavy equipment components
22101900 Building construction machinery and accessories
22101500 Earth moving machinery
22101525 Wheel excavators
22101532 Track loaders
22101529 Skid steer loaders
22101526 Track excavators

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