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Solicitation Detail

Central Purchasing Division
Contract Type
Non-Mandatory Statewide

Solicitation Number:
SW Number:
Closing Date Status:

SW1100: Idemia-Fingerprinting Services
Barry Timberlake
Closing Date:
Award Date:

Contract Period Starting Date:
Contract Period Ending Date:
Agreement Period Starting Date:
Agreement Period Ending Date:

  Attachment Title Attachment Type File Type Comments
FULLY EXECUTED - Idemia - SW1100 - Addendum and Attachments - 180814 Contract pdf Fully executed amendment
SW1100-Section G-Pricing Contract pdf SW1100-Section G-Pricing
SW1100-OMES Form XXX-Ordering Instructions Contract pdf SW1100-OMES Template XXX-Ordering Instructions
SW1100- OMES-Form -CP 072 award supplier Information Other pdf SW1100-OMES Form 072-Awarded Supplier Information updated 03.23.2023
SW1100-Addendum#1 for Buyer change Addendum pdf Addendum#1 Buyer change.
SW1100-OMES Form 071-Notice of Statewide Contract Award Other pdf SW1100-OMES Form 071-Notice of Statewide Contract Award.
SW1100-Change of Address Addendum#2 Addendum pdf SW1100- Addendum#2 - Notification to Physical Address change of OMES
SW1100-Addendum# 3 OMES-FORM-CP-075 Addendum pdf SW1100-Addendum# 3 OMES-FORM-CP-075 - for Contract renewal for 2020-2021.
SW1100- OMES- Form-CP 071 Notice of Statewide Contract Award Other pdf SW1100- OMES- Form-CP 071 Notice of Statewide Contract Award
SW1100-Addendum# 4 OMES-FORM-CP-075 Addendum pdf SW1100-Addendum# 4 OMES-FORM-CP-075-OESC Addition
FULLY EXECUTED SW1100 Idemia Amend 1 Contract pdf FULLY EXECUTED SW1100 Idemia Amend 1 - effective as of August 17, 2020. 
Solicitation0900000300 Solicitation pdf Solicitation0900000300- RFP  for  SW1100.
SW1100-Addendum# 5 OMES-FORM-CP-075 Addendum pdf SW1100 PS Addendum#5 for the signed  renewal for IDEMIA Identity & Security USA LLC   2021-2022. 
EXECUTION VERSION Idemia contingent approval add DXC as sub - signed Addendum pdf Addendum to notify the execution of Idemia Contingent approval to add DXC.
SW1100-Addendum# 7 Lock Box Addendum pdf This Addendum is issued to offer a new option for OMES Lockbox Procedures. Awarded Suppliers may contact the Contracting Officer for details.   
SW1100.PS #5342 signed Contract pdf SW1100 PSContract#0-5342  signed  for the renewal of  Idemia Identity & Security USA LLC   2024-2025. 
SW1100-Addendum# 8 OMES-FORM-CP-075 Addendum pdf SW1100-Addendum# 8 OMES-FORM-CP-075 for the renewal of  Idemia Identity & Security USA LLC   2022-2023.  
Oklahoma Applicant Fees 2022-2023 Price Adjustment pdf Oklahoma Applicant Fees 2022-2023. Updated to web 07.22.2022- This price will be effective from 09/01/2022.
SW1100-Addendum# 9 OMES-FORM-CP-075 Addendum pdf SW1100-Addendum#9 OMES-FORM-CP-075 for the renewal of  Idemia Identity & Security USA LLC   2023-2024.    
SW1100-Addendum#10 OMES-FORM-CP-075 Addendum pdf SW1100-Addendum#9 OMES-FORM-CP-075 for the renewal of Idemia Identity & Security USA LLC :2024-2025.     

SW1100, SW-1100, SW 1100,1100, 110,  Fingerprinting, Fingerprinting Services, Fingerprint, Idemia, Morphotrust, Morpho Supplier ID 0000386692, Morpho USA Inc is Idemia’s parent company and Purchase Orders will need to list Idemia as the remittance address. In order for this to happen, PO creators must select address four (4). This will ensure Idemia’s address will be the payment remittance address. Any PO issued under Morpho USA Inc will not be valid as the State of Oklahoma does not have a contract with this company. 06.09.2021: Added an Addendum to notify the execution of Idemia Contingent approval to add DXC. Addendum to inform the Contract awarded to IDEMIA IDENTITY & SECURITY N.A. LLC in connection with SW1100 (“Contract”) and is effective June 6th, 2021, (“Effective Date”). Based on RFP#0900000300.- Subsection B.2 the State approves Supplier’s use of the following as a subcontractor(s) under this Contract for the limited purpose of operating Idemia’s appointment registration call center: DXC Technology Services LLC. Note: The state of Oklahoma will not be responsible for making payments to DXC. No additional changes to the current contract need to be made.   NOTE:      IDEMIA Identity & Security USA LLC is a disregarded LLC. Vendor is established for IRS reporting purposes under its primary filing entity Morpho USA Inc supplier ID 0000386692. Agencies should use supplier locations applicable to IDEMIA Identity & Security USA LLC for contract, purchase order and payment processing. Buyer: Barry Timberlake,, 405-521-6721  Vendor POC:  Idemia Identity & Security USA LLC  (Morpho USA, Inc.) Steven Frisbie, Candy Copelin                                217-827-2093


92120000 Security and personal safety
92121600 Detective services
92121602 Fingerprint services

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