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OVERVIEW: The purpose of the National Criminal History Improvement Program Grant is to assist states in meeting various evolving federal and state requirements regarding criminal histories and related records. Funding is provided to improve the quality, timeliness, and accessibility of criminal history and related records.
ELIGIBILITY: To be eligible for funding under this discretionary grant program, an applicant must be a(n): a) State Agency; b) Unit of Local Government (i.e., city, county, town).
BOARD PRIORITIES: The Criminal Justice Information Systems Task Force (CJIS), comprised of ten members, is charged with reviewing grant proposals and determining awards for the NCHIP grant funds. The delegated duties of the Task Force are to write a state plan for integration and criminal history records improvement and to make funding recommendations regarding technical grant applications to the Justice Assistance Grant Board.
HOW TO APPLY: 2024 NCHIP applications are currently closed and will open again in 2025.
GRANT NOTIFICATION: To be placed on the mailing list to receive a Notice of Availability of Funds, contact the Federal Grants Division at 405-264-5008 or email dac-grants@dac.state.ok.us and provide your name, agency name, mailing address, and grant name for which you want to receive the Notice of Availability of Funds.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact Cassandra Obi, Grant Programs Specialist, Federal Grants Division, at 405-264-5008 or via email at DAC-Grants@dac.state.ok.us